Call Number (LC) Title Results
025.6 B81 Circulation work in college and university libraries / 1
025.6 G271c Charging systems. 1
025.7 Am35a Care and binding of books and magazines / 1
025.7 B81 Mending and repair of books / 1
025.7 B855 Book repair and restoration : a manual of practical suggestions for bibliophiles, including some translated selections from Essai sur l'art de restaurer les estampes et les livres, par A. Bonnardot, Paris, 1858 / 1
025.7 D19 Notes on bookbinding for libraries / 1
025.7 D745b Book repairing : new ideas from the mendery / 1
025.7 H87 Leather for libraries / 1
025.7 L984c The care and repair of books / 1
025.8 J495s Shelf work in libraries. 1
25A-A5 4: Council journal of the legislative assembly of the territory of Nebraska. 1
25F Fr,D 25 Festival Tous Courts. 1
26-1:H.DOC.13 Wiskonsin Mining District. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the petition of the inhabitants of the Wiskonsin mining district, praying for a redress of grievances. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands 1
26-1:H.DOC.14 Trade with the British colonial ports. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report on the effect and operations of the existing arrangements between the United States and Great Britain, regulating the trade with the British American colonies. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs 1
26-1:H.DOC.15 Funds of the Chickasaws. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a statement of the funds of the Chickasaw Indians. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs 1
26-1:H.DOC.16 Block Island Harbor. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the subject of a survey, with a view to the construction of a harbor on Block Island, &c. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on Commerce 1
26-1:H.DOC.17 Public expenditures -- 1835 to 1838. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th January, 1839, in relation to payments made at the Treasury for the years 1835 to 1838, inclusive. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on Public Expenditures 1
26-1:H.DOC.18 Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 14th of January, 1839, in relation to iron imported and used in railroads and steamboats. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on Manufactures 1
26-1:H.DOC.19 Fines, forfeitures, &c. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the information required by resolutions of the House of Representatives, of January 14, 1839, in relation to fines and forfeitures for the last five years ; also of money received as fees by any officers of the government, &c. December 30, 1839. Referred to the Committee on Commerce 1
26-1:H.DOC.20 Coast Survey -- weights and measures. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report of F.R. Hassler, upon the subject of the coast survey and the progress of preparing standard weights and measures. December 30, 1839. Read, and laid upon the table 1