Call Number (LC) Title Results
28-G75E 9:R299 Report of the New Jersey governor's Commission on Eastern European and Captive Nation History to Governor Thomas H. Kean and Dr. Saul Cooperman, Commissioner of Education / 1
028 G795 What makes a book readable : with special reference to adults of limited reading ability / 1
028 H12 Living with books : the art of book selection / 1
028 H24 The choice of books / 1
028 H24A The choice of books. 1
028 H251p The popular book : a history of America's literary taste. 1
028 H298 Ed.3 Have you read 100 great books? 1
028 H34 Making the most of books / 1
28-H79.5 1: Annual report of the managers and officers. 1
028 H88 'Library wallflowers' : a symposium on neglected books / 1
028 In4 Open that door! / 1
28-In7.5 1: Annual report of the State Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education to the Legislature of the State of New Jersey (pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18:2-10 and N.J.S.A. 18:3-11) 1
028 J134a The anatomy of bibliomania. 1
028 J68 Diversions of a book-lover. 1
028 J72h How to read books / 1
028 K83 The mastery of books : hints on reading and the use of libraries / 1
28-L11 1: Annual report - New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry.
Report of the Dept. of Labor of New Jersey.
28-L11 1/2: Annual report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industries. 1
28-L11p 4: New Jersey economic indicators. 1
028 L32 A talk about books : addressed originally to the students of the Central high school, Buffalo / 1