Call Number (LC) Title Results
028.5 Am31 supp The Right book for the right child : a graded buying list of children's books. 1
028.5 Am35c Children's books from foreign languages : English translations from published and unpublished sources / 1
028.5 Am3539s Subject and title index to short stories for children / 1
028.5 Am356f Foreign children's books available in the United States. 1
028.5 B17 A bibliography of children's reading / 1
028.5 B219 The effect of the physical make-up of a book upon children's selection / 1
028.5 B279a A century of children's books / 1
028.5 B814 Catholic juvenile literature : a classified list / 1
028.5 B911b Bringing children and books together / 1
028.5 B95a Literary landmarks : a guide to good reading for young people, and teachers' assistant; with a carefully selected list of seven hundred books / 1
028.5 C23s Substitutes for the comic books / 1
028.5 C386r Recipe for a magic childhood / 1
028.5 C4325a America, past and present : an annotated bibliography of children's stories for students, teachers and librarians / 1
028.5 D873b "Bequest of wings," a family's pleasures with books / 1
028.5 F363p The proof of the pudding: what children read. 1
028.5 F451 A guide to literature for children / 1
028.5 F583i cop. 2 Illustrated editions of high school classics. 1
028.5 F851w Ed.2 What books for children? : Guideposts for parents / 1
028.5 G825t Tellers of tales / 1
028.5 G825t 1953 Tellers of tales : an account of children's favourite authors from 1839 to the present day, their books and how they came to write them, together with an appendix and indexes giving the titles and dates of these books. 1