1000 C33 In81wm 1996
Information forum on national policies in the field of equality between women and men : proceedings, Budapest (Hungary), 6-8 November 1995. |
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1000 C33 In82cm 1997
International co-operation in criminal matters : collected texts. |
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1000 C33 In82pe 1994
International Workshop on the Problems of Equality in the Current Period of Transition in the Countries of Central and East Europe : proceedings : Sofia (Bulgaria), 13-15 December 1993. |
1 |
1000 C33 In83co 2003
Intercultural competence / |
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1000 C33 In83hr 1992
Intercultural learning for human rights : seminar held in Klagenfurt, Austria 28-30 October 1991. |
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1000 C33 In84lh 2006
The Internet literacy handbook / |
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1000 C33 In9cc 2011
Involving citizens and communities in securing societal progress for the well-being of all : methodological guide. |
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1000 C33 Ir72na 2005
Study on obstacles to effective access of irregular migrants to minimum social rights / |
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1000 C33 Is4cy 2004
Islamophobia and its consequences on young people : European Youth Centre Budapest, 1-6 June 2004 / |
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1000 C33 J269kc 2009
Janusz Korczak : the child's right to respect : Janusz Korczak's legacy : lectures on today's challenges for children / |
1 |
1000 C33 J891hr 1996
Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, 1959-95 : reference charts / |
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1000 C33 J891il 1998
The judge and international law. |
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1000 C33 J898aa 1997
Judicial control of administrative acts : multilateral seminar, Madrid, 13-15 November 1996. |
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1000 C33 J898oe 2000
Judicial organisation in Europe. |
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1000 C33 J898pt 1997
Judicial systems in a period of transition. |
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1000 C33 J898rc 2010
Judicial review : a comparative analysis inside the European legal system / |
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1000 C33 K521ac 1994
The key to the negotiation of audiovisual co-production contracts / |
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1000 C33 K521cl 2003
Key case-law extracts : European Court of Human Rights / |
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1000 C33 K55Oah 2011
Kiko and the hand / |
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1000 C33 L239fr 2012
Landscape facets : reflections and proposals for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention / |
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