Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 C33 P819ss Europe's population and labour market beyond 2000 /
The demographic characteristics of national minorities in certain European states /
1000 C33 P819ss no.11 1984 Changes in the composition of households and the cycle of family life / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.21 1990 Cohort fertility in member states of the Council of Europe : report / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.22 1990 Household structures in Europe : report of the Select Committee of Experts on Household Structures. 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.23 1991 The second demographic transition: fact or fiction? / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.25 1993 Political and demographic aspects of migration flows to Europe. 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.26 1993 The Future of Europe's population : a scenario approach / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.27 1993 The demographic situation of Hungary in Europe / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.28 1994 Migration and development co-operation / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.29 1995 Ageing and its consequences for the socio-medical system / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.32 1999 Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe : a synthesis / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.33-34 2000 Europe's population and labour market beyond 2000 / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.35 2001 Fertility and new types of households and family formation in Europe / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.36 2001 Trends in mortality and differential mortality / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.37 2002 People, demography and social exclusion / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.38 2002 The demographic characteristics of immigrant populations / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.39 2003 Demographic consequences of economic transition in countries of cental and eastern Europe / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.40 2003 The economically active population in Europe / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.41 2003 Active ageing in Europe / 1
1000 C33 P819ss no.42 2003 Reproductive health behaviour of young europeans. 1