Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 C34 CM Su76ej Supervision of the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights / 1
1000 C34 CM T314 Texts adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe = Textes adoptés par le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe. 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.10 1973 Methodological aspects of classification in criminology : reports presented to a meeting organised in the framework of the tenth Conference of Directors of Criminological Research Institutes (1972) 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.11 1974 Violence in society : reports presented to the Tenth Conference of Directors of Criminological Research Institutes, 1972. 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.12 1974 Methods of evaluation and planning in the field of crime : reports presented to the First Criminological Colloquium (1973) 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.25 1987 Interactions within the criminal justice system : reports presented to the Seventeenth Criminological Research Conference (1986) 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.26 1989 Disparities in sentencing: causes and solutions : reports presented to the eighth Criminological Colloquium (1987) 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.27 1990 Privatisation of crime control : reports presented to the 18th Criminological Research Conference, 1988. 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.28 1992 Delays in the criminal justice system : reports presented to the 9th Criminological Colloquium (1989) / 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.29 1994 New social strategies and the criminal justice system : proceedings : 19th Criminological Research Conference (1990) 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.30 1994 Young adult offenders and crime policy : proceedings : reports presented to the 10th Criminological Colloquy (1991) / 1
1000 C34 CP C685 v.32 1995 Crime and economy : proceedings : reports presented to the 11th Criminological Colloquium (1994) /
Psychosocial interventions in the criminal justice system : proceedings : reports presented to the 20th Criminological Research Conference (1993)
1000 C34 CP C685 v.33 1999 Police powers and accountability in a democratic society : proceedings, reports presented to the 12th Criminological Colloquium (1999) / 1
1000 C34 DCEE N477 News-letter / Faits nouveaux / Centre de documentation pour l'éducation en Europe. 1
1000 C34 E D357r Index Decisions and reports. 1
1000 C34 EAO Au24mc 2011 Audiovisual media for children in Europe : the theatrical circulation of European children's films : television for children : report prepared by the European Audiovisual Observatory for the CINEKID for Professionals Conference at the 25th CINEKID Festival : Amsterdam, 18 & 19 October 2011 / 1
1000 C34 EAO Au24ms 2006 Audiovisual media services without frontiers : implementing the rules / 1
1000 C34 EAO B781oi 2006 Broadcasters' obligations to invest in cinematographic production / 1
1000 C34 EAO C812me 2003 Co-regulation of the media in Europe. 1
1000 C34 EAO C861cp 2009 Creativity comes at a price : the role of collecting societies / 1