Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 C34 LR St94t no.68 2000 Seminar on the draft European Outline Convention on Mountain Regions : proceedings, Saint Vincent (Italy), 28 April 2000 / 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.69 2000 Competences and practices in European local and regional cultural policy / 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.70 2000 Conference on Local and Regional Authority Co-operation in the Baltic Sea Area : proceedings, Kaunas, Lithuania, 21-23, April 1999. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.71 2000 What participation by foreign residents in public life at local level? : proceedings, Strasbourg, 5-6 November 1999 : conference / 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.73 2001 Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe 7th Economic Forum to promote partnerships with cities and regions of South-East Europe : proceedings, Skopje ("the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"), 16-18 November 2000. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.74 Linguistic diversity : a challenge for European cities and regions : proceedings, Rovinj (Croatia), 22-23 March 2001, conference / 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.75 2001 International Conference on Financial Relations between State, Regional and Local Authorities in Federal States : proceedings, Moscow (Russian Federation), 5-7 October 2000. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.76 2002 Cities and regions : cultural diversity, a precondition for a united Europe ; proceedings, Innsbruck (Austria), 11-12 December 2000. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.77 2002 The relationship between the physical urban environment and crime reduction and prevention : proceedings : Szczecin (Poland) 19-21 October 2000. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.78 2003 The participation of foreign residents in public life at local level : consultative bodies : proceedings, Stuttgart, 14 December 2001. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.79 2002 Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe : 8th economic forum ; promoting partnerships with cities and regions of south-east Europe ; summary of debates ; Istanbul (Turkey), 2-3 November 2001. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.80 2002 Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe : 9th economic forum ; promoting partnerships with cities and regions of south-east Europe ; summary of debates ; Novi Sad (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 18-20 April 2002. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.82 2002 Local authorities and transfrontier crime : proceedings : Enschede (Netherlands) 20-22 September 2001. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.83 2002 International conference on local authorities and public utilities in Europe : proceedings : Innsbruck (Austria), 10-12 October 2001. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.84 2003 Tackling terrorism : the role and responsibilities of local authorities ; proceedings, Luxembourg, 20-21 September 2002. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.85 2003 The European Urban Charter : proceedings, Sofia (Bulgaria), 16-17 May 2002. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.86 2003 Management of European capital cities : proceedings, Kyiv (Ukraine) 3-4 October 2002. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.87 2003 Declarations adopted at European conferences on local authority policies for crime prevention in Europe, organised by the Chamber of Local Authorities of the CLRAE : February 1997-May 2002 / 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.88 2003 Revised European charter on the participation of young people in local and regional life : proceedings, Krakow (Poland), 7-8 March 2002. 1
1000 C34 LR St94t no.89 2003 The constitutional status of the regions in the Russian Federation and in other European countries : the role of the regional legislative bodies in strengthening "unity in diversity" ; proceedings, Kazan, Tatarstan (Russian Federation), 11-12 July 2003. 1