1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.87 1995
European convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.88 1976
European Convention on the International Effects of Deprivation of the Right to Drive a Motor Vehicle / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.89 1976
Additional protocol to the European agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.90 1986
European convention on the suppression of terrorism / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.91 1980
European convention on products liability in regard to personal injury and death / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.92 1990
European agreement on the transmission of applications for legal aid / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.93 1985
European convention on the legal status of migrant workers / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.94 1985
European convention on the service abroad of documents relating to administrative matters / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.97 1978
Additional protocol to the European convention on information on foreign law / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.98 1986
Second additional protocol to the European convention on extradition / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.99 1998
Additional protocol to the European convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.100 1978
European convention on the obtaining abroad of information and evidence in administrative matters / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.101 1987
European convention on the control of the acquisition and possession of firearms by individuals / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.102 1979
European convention for the protection of animals for slaughter / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.104 1998
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.105 1990
European convention on recognition and enforcement of decisions concerning custody of children and on restoration of custody of children / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.106 1997
European outline convention on transfrontier co-operation between territorial communities or authorities / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.106 1998
European agreement on transfer of responsibility for refugees / |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.107 1980
European agreement on transfer of responsibility for refugees / Accord européen sur le transfert de la responsabilité à l'égard des réfugiés / Conseil de l'Europe. |
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1000 C35 TR Eu74t no.108 1998
Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data / |
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