Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E19 Af83r 1985 Third ACP-EEC Convention of Lomé (signed on 8 December 1984) : rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers ; rules of procedure of the Committee of Ambassadors. 1
1000 E19 Af83ta Texts relating to agricultural and rural cooperation. 1
1000 E19 Af83ti Texts relating to industrial cooperation / 1
1000 E19 Ag35eu 1996 The agencies of the European Union. 1
1000 E19 Ag82 Agreement of Association between Greece and the European Economic Community / 1
1000 E19 Ag82e Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic community and the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Kenya and annexed documents : signed on 24 September, 1969. 1
1000 E19 Ag83 1973 pt. 1 The agricultural situation in the enlarged community : report 1973. 1
1000 E19 Ag83 1973 pt. 2 The situation of agriculture in the enlarged community : report 1973. 1
1000 E19 Ag83 1973 pt.3 The agricultural situation in the enlarged European community : report for 1973. 1
1000 E19 Ag83 1973 pt. 4 Report on the Community's protein supplies. 1
1000 E19 Ag83er 1999 Agriculture, environment, rural development : facts and figures : a challenge for agriculture. 1
1000 E19 Ag83is 1994 The agricultural income situation in less favoured areas of the EC / 1
1000 E19 Ag83pia EG-Agrarpreisindizes (Output und Input) = EC agricultural price indices (output and input) 1
1000 E19 Ag83pio EG-Agrarpreisindizes (Output und Input) = EC agricultural price indices (output and input) = Indices ce des prix agricoles (output et input) = Indici ce dei prezzi agricoli (output e input) / 1
1000 E19 Ag83pr Landbrugspriser. Agricultural prices. Evolution of EC agricultural price indices (output and input) ... = Prix agricoles. Evolution des indices CE des prix agricoles (output et input) ... = Prezzi agricoli. Evoluzione degli indici CE dei prezzi agricoli (output e input)
EG-Agrarpreisindizes. EC agricultural price indices. Evolution of EC agricultural price indices (output and input) ... /
1000 E19 Ag83prp Landbrugspriser. Agricultural prices. Evolution of EC indices of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production ... = Prix agricoles. Evolution des indices CE des prix d'achat des moyens de production agricole ... = Prezzi agricoli. Evoluzione dei indici CE dei prezzi d'acquisto dei mezzi di produzione agricola ... / 1
1000 E19 Ag83prv Landbrugspriser. Agricultural prices. Forecast of the EC agricultural price indices (output and input) for ... = Prix agricoles. Prévision des indices CE des prix agricoles (output et input) pour ... = Prezzi agricoli. Previsione degli indici CE dei prezzi agricoli (output e input) per.
EG-Agrarpreisindizes. EC Agricultural price indices. Forecast of the EC agricultural price indices (output and input) for ... /
1000 E19 Ag83r Recueil des actes agricoles / 1
1000 E19 Ag83s The agricultural situation in the European Union /
The agricultural situation in the community ; report.
1000 E19 Ag83St2 Landbrugsstatistiske studier = Agrarstatistische Studien = Agricultural statistical studies = Études de statistique agricole = Studi di statistica agraria = Landbouwstatistische studies. 1