1000 E19 St95ff 1991
Study into the legal, technical and animal welfare aspects of fur farming / |
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1000 E19 St95sd 1993
Study on second directive's extension to other types of companies : summary. |
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1000 E19 St95th 1993
Study on transfer of the head office of a company from one member state to another / |
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1000 E19 St958l 1995
Study on the impact of liberalisation of inward cross-border mail on the provision of the universal postal service and the options for progressive liberalisation : final report / |
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1000 E19 Su14e
Terminologie de la sous-traitance--pour l'industrie céramique / |
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1000 E19 Su78
Survey on state aid in the European Union in the manufacturing and certain other sectors / |
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1000 E19 Su78ms 1995
Surveys of the member states' powers to investigate and sanction violations of national competition laws / |
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1000 E19 Su79ms 1996
Survey of the member state national laws governing vertical distribution agreements. |
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1000 E19 Su81cpe 2004
Sustainable consumption and production in the European Union / |
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1000 E19 Su81feu 2003
Sustainable forestry and the European Union : initiatives of the European Commission. |
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1000 E19 Sy77srd 2004
Synopsis of selected R & D projects in the field of fisheries and aquaculture. |
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1000 E19 Sy87ap
The System of administrative and penal sanctions in the member states of the European Communities. Etude sur les systèmes de sanctions administratives et pénales dans les états membres des Communautés européennes. |
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1000 E19 Sch65 1987
School provision for gypsy and traveller children : a synthesis report / |
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1000 E19 Sci46ac 1992-93
Activity report, 1992-1993, Scientific Advisory Committee to Examine the Toxicity and Ecotoxicity of Chemical Compounds / |
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1000 E19 T197pe 1993
Tax payments of European-controlled corporations in the United States, 1983-1990 / |
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1000 E19 T198p 1997
Tax provisions with a potential impact on environmental protection : final report. |
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1000 E19 T226g 1998
Technical guidance document on development of risk reduction strategies / |
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1000 E19 T228gd
Technical guidance document in support of Commission directive 93/67/EEC on risk assessment for new notified substances and Commission regulation (EC) no 1488/94 on risk assessment for existing substances. |
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1000 E19 T235/2 1990
Telecommunications in Europe : free choice for the user in Europe's 1992 market : the challenge for the European Community / |
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1000 E19 T235 1987
The EEC telecommunications industry : competition, concentration, and competitiveness : the adhesion of Portugal and Spain / |
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