Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E19 T682sh 1992 Training in safety and health at work / 1
1000 E19 T683a 1987 Treaties establishing the European Communities (ECSC, EEC, EAEC) : Single European Act : other basic instruments. 1
1000 E19 T686ng 1995 Trans-European networks : the Group of Personal Representatives of the Heads of State or Government : report. 1
1000 E19 T687ila 2001 Translation and interpreting : languages in action / 1
1000 E19 T687tn 1995 The Trans-European transport network : transforming a patchwork into a network. 1
1000 E19 T711a 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts. 1
1000 E19 T711ece 2003 draft Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe : adopted by consensus by the European Convention on 13 June and 10 July 2003 : submitted to the President of the European Council in Rome. 1
1000 E19 T711ece 2005 Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe. 1
1000 E19 T711n 2001 Treaty of Nice : amending the Treaty on European Union, the treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts. 1
1000 E19 T711r 1997 Los Tratados de Roma en primara plana = Rom-traktaten på forsiden = The Treaties of Rome and the headlines. 1
1000 E19 T711u 1992 Treaty on European union. 1
1000 E19 Un3 Recherches universitaires sur l'intégration européenne = University research on European integration. 1
1000 E19 Ur1d 1996 Urban districts and drug scenes : a comparative study on nuisance caused by 'open' drug scenes in major European cities / 1
1000 E19 U48rg 1994 The Uruguay Round : global agreement, global benefits. 1
1000 E19 V249 1992 Value, community programme for the diffusion and utilization of scientific and technological research results / 1
1000 E19 V451 1995 VAT collection and control procedures applied in member states : Second Article 12 report (regulation EEC/Euratom no. 1553/89) / 1
1000 E19 V455 1993 The New VAT system in the frontier-free community / 1
1000 E19 V651 Viability of farms / 1
1000 E19 V668k 1996 Video-Katalog = Video catalogue / 1
1000 E19 V798ec 1993 Vineyards in the European community : quality in France and quantity in Italy. 1