Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20BU G941ef 2017 A guide to EU funding. 1
1000 E20BU In82of 2007 Investing in our future : the European Union's financial framework, 2007-2013 / 1
1000 E20BU In82of 2010 Investing in our future : the European Union's financial framework 2007-2013 / 1
1000 E20C Ab29 1994 Glossaire d'abréviations multilingue / 1
1000 E20C Ag82a 1992 Agreement on the European economic area / 1
1000 E20C Ag83a 1994 Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area. 1
1000 E20C Am88 1997 Intergovernmental Conference : Amsterdan European Council : draft treaty : Brussels, June 1997 / 1
1000 E20C An78rh Annual report on human rights / 1
1000 E20C B292tc 2000 Basic texts on transparency concerning the activities of the Council of the European Union / 1
1000 E20C B471c Bibliographie sur le Conseil, par matière / 1
1000 E20C B681ge Council recommendation of ... on the broad guidelines of the economic policies of the member states and of the community. 1
1000 E20C C385fr 2000 Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union : explanations relating to the complete text of the charter, December 2000. 1
1000 E20C C64ps 2006 Cohesion policy in support of growth and jobs : community strategic guidelines 2007-13. 1
1000 E20C C737fs 2000 The Council of the European Union & the CFSP : the Common Foreign and Security Policy. 1
1000 E20C C737fs 2001 The common foreign and security policy. 1
1000 E20C C738a Compilation of texts. 1
1000 E20C C738af Compilation of texts. 1
1000 E20C C738c Compilation of texts. 1
1000 E20C C738cc Compilation of texts. 1
1000 E20C C738cy Compilation of texts. 1