Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20E R265r 2001 Poland 2001 regular report on Poland's progress towards accession / 1
1000 E20E R265r 2001 Romania 2001 regular report on Romania's progress towards accession / 1
1000 E20E R265r 2001 Slovakia 2001 regular report on Slovakia's progress towards accession / 1
1000 E20E R265r 2001 Slovenia 2001 regular report on Slovenia's progress towards accession / 1
1000 E20E R265r 2001 Strat.paper Making a success of enlargement : strategy paper and report of the European Commission on the progress towards accession by each of the candidate countries / 1
1000 E20E R265r 2001 Turkey 2001 regular report on Turkey's progress towards accession / 1
1000 E20E Su76rc 2002 EU support for Roma Communities in Central and Eastern Europe : enlargement briefing, May 2002. 1
1000 E20E T95be 2006 Twinning : building Europe together. 1
1000 E20E U52e 2007 Understanding enlargement : the European Union's enlargement policy. 1
1000 E20 E7 European Union news. 1
1000 E20 E7p E.U./U.S. relations / 1
1000 E20EA An78 Annual report ... on the EC development policy and the implementation of the external assistance.
Annual report ... on the European Union's development and external assistance policies and their implementation in.
1000 E20EA As41ur Asia Urbs magazine / 1
1000 E20EA As42 2005 The Asia-Link Programme seeks proposals for projects involving partnerships of European and Asian universities. 1
1000 E20EA As42lp 2005 Asia-Link Programme : a programme dedicated to higher education networking between Europe and Asia / 1
1000 E20EA B466fm 2009 Better, faster, more : implementing EC external aid 2004-2009. 1
1000 E20EA Eu74mp 2009 The Euromed partnership : the cultural agenda / 1
1000 E20EA Eu74ur 2010 EU regional cooperation with Asia and Central Asia. 1
1000 E20EA Eu74us 2004 European Union Asia-wide programmes / 1
1000 E20EA Eu75co 2005 EuropeAid Co-operation Office. 1