1000 E20EC In8c 1996-2
Intergovernmental Conference on the Revision of the Treaties : Irish presidency (July-December 1996) : collected texts / |
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1000 E20EC In8c 1997
Intergovernmental Conference on the Revision of the Treaties : Dutch presidency (January-June 1997) : collected texts / |
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1000 E20EC In8ceu 2000
An introduction to the Council of the European Union. |
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1000 E20EC In8ve 2000
Internationalising vocational education and training in Europe : prelude to an overdue debate : a discussion paper / |
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1000 E20EC Ir4cll 2003
Irish citizens and lifelong learning / |
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1000 E20EC It2cll 2003
Italian citizens and lifelong learning. |
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1000 E20EC K521dsv 2005
Key data study visits : community programme for those responsible for vocational training / |
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1000 E20EC K521fve 2003
Key figures on vocational education and training / |
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1000 E20EC K761mv 2004
Knowledge management in vocational education and training / |
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1000 E20EC L479ev sum. 2003
Learning for employment : second report on vocational education and training policy in Europe : executive summary / |
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1000 E20EC L626vg 1999
Lifelong vocational guidance : European case studies / |
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1000 E20EC L627
The Liguria-Lyons project : a positive experience of cooperation between regions of the European Economic Community / |
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1000 E20EC L627lcv 2003
Lifelong learning : citizens' views / |
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1000 E20EC L627lcvc 2004
Lifelong learning : citizens' views in close-up : findings from a dedicated Eurobarometer survey / |
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1000 E20EC m289lv 2000
Making learning visible : identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal learning in Europe / |
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1000 E20EC M311
Management education for small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Communities / |
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1000 E20EC M312t
Managing technological change : a key element in technology transfer / |
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1000 E20EC M319eq 2005
A manual for evaluating the quality performance of tourist destinations and services. |
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1000 E20EC M413eo 1999
The matching of educational and occupational structures in Finland and Sweden : final report / |
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1000 E20EC M469tp 2003-2006
Medium-term priorities 2003-2006 / |
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