Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20EF Eu72cs 1994 Eurocounsel case study portfolio : examples of innovative practice in labour market counselling. 1
1000 E20EF Eu72sf 1994 EUROCOUNSEL synthesis final report phase 2 : counselling : a tool for the prevention and solution of unemployment / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74cg 1997 European compendium of good practice for the prevention of racism at the workplace : a summary. 1
1000 E20EF Eu74cp 1996 Proceedings / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74cs 1997 European cities in search of sustainability : a panorama of urban innovations in the European Union / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74pr 1996 European product registration : a review of information systems for chemical products / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74rt 1993 European Round Table on Industry, Social Dialogue, and Sustainability : a general report / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74spf 1996/sum European social policy forum : a summary / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74sw European survey on the work environment. 1
1000 E20EF Eu74w 1996 European workshops on eco products : evaluation of the "design for health profiler"--proceedings / 1
1000 E20EF Eu74we 1996 European working environment in figures : availability and quality of occupational health and safety data in sixteen European countries / 1
1000 E20EF Ex71sc 1996 Experience, skill and competitiveness : the implications of an ageing population for the workplace / 1
1000 E20EF Ex76re 1994 Exposure registers in Europe : extractions of core information and possibilities for comparison between European databases for occupational air pollutant measurements / 1
1000 E20EF F119c 1997-2000 A programme for 1997-2000 : facing up to the challenges of European society / 1
1000 E20EF F211cd 1993 Family care of dependent older people in the European Community / 1
1000 E20EF F211co 1993 Family care of the older elderly : casebook of initiatives / 1
1000 E20EF F211lm 1995 Families, labour markets and gender roles : a report on a European research workshop / 1
1000 E20EF F55yw 2006 Fifteen years of working conditions in the EU : charting the trends. 1
1000 E20EF F741ca 1995 For citizens and against exclusion : the role of public welfare services : executive summary of the report 'Public welfare services and social exclusion : the development of consumer-oriented initiatives in the European Union' 1
1000 E20EF F82 Foundation focus. 1