Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20EM F49aj 2010 Finding a job in Europe : a guide for jobseekers / 1
1000 E20EM F49je 2007 Finding a job in Europe : a guide for jobseekers. 1
1000 E20EM F491je 2004 Finding a job in the enlarged Europe. 1
1000 E20EM F779s 1997 Jobs summit. 1
1000 E20EM F875m Free movement and social security. 1
1000 E20EM F875ms Freedom of movement and social security. 1
1000 E20EM F875mw 2004 Free movement of workers to and from the new member states : how will it work in practice? 1
1000 E20EM F927g 1998 From guidelines to action : the national action plans for employment. 1
1000 E20EM F989el 1998 The future European labour supply. 1
1000 E20EM G286e 1996-2000 Gender equality in the European Union : examples of good practices (1996-2000) / 1
1000 E20EM G286em Gender equality magazine : magazine of the Medium-Term Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. 1
1000 E20EM G286me 2008 Gender mainstreaming of employment policies : a comparative review of 30 European countries / 1
1000 E20EM G286p 1997 Gender, power and change in health institutions of the European Union / 1
1000 E20EM G286ut 2000 Gender use of time : three European studies / 1
1000 E20EM G46el 2007 Gender equality law in the European Union / 1
1000 E20EM G46ii 2006 Gender inequalities in the risks of poverty and social exclusion for disadvantaged groups in thirty European countries / 1
1000 E20EM G516ab 1996 Glossarium : edificios agrícolas, ganadería bovina = Landbrugsbygninger, kvœgavl = Landwirtschaftliche Gebäude, Rinderhaltung = Agrotikes kataskeues, ktēnotrophia booeidōn = Agricultural buildings, cattle rearing = Bâtiments agricoles, élevage bovin = Edilizia zootecnica, allevamento bovino = Landbouwgebouwen, rundveehouderij = Edifícios agrícolas, criação bovina / 1
1000 E20EM G516d 1995 Glossarium : drugs of abuse = drogas, narkotika, Drogen, narkotika, drogues, droghe, drugs, droga. 1
1000 E20EM G516t 1995 Glossarium : toxicology = toxicología, toxicologi, Toxikologie, toxikologia, toxicologie, tossicologia, toxicologie, toxicologia. 1
1000 E20EM G591pe 1999 Compendium--good practice in employment of people with disabilities / European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Industrial Relations, and Social Affairs, Unit V/D.1. 1