Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
1000 E20EN En27eee 1996 | European energy to 2020 : a scenario approach / | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27eef 1999 | Economic foundations for energy policy / | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27eeu 1999 | European Union energy outlook to 2020 / | 1 |
1000 E20En En27emt 1989 | Energy in Europe : major themes in energy / | 1 |
1000 E20En En27enc 1990 | Energy in Europe : energy for a new century : the European perspective / | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27ene 2010 | Energising Europe : a new energy infrastructure for a 21st century Europe. | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27et 2009 | Energy-efficient transport : green mobility on the move. | 1 |
1000 E20En En27evf 1992 | Energy in Europe : a view to the future. | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27fe 1998 | Energy for Europe. | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27ls 2008 | Energy, let's save it! | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27luo 2001 | Energy : let us overcome out dependence / | 1 |
1000 E20EN En27ub 2005 | Energy use in buildings use it better, use it less = Energie in gebäuden : besser verbrauchen heisst weniger verbrauchen = Energie dans les bâtiments : consommons mieux, consommons moins / | 1 |
1000 E20EN Er88df 2006 | ERTMS--delivering flexible and reliable rail traffic : a major industrial project for Europe / | 1 |
1000 E20EN Eu1em 2014 | EU energy markets in 2014. | 1 |
1000 E20EN Eu73etf |
EU energy and transport in figures : statistical pocketbook / EU transport in figures : statistical pocketbook / |
3 |
1000 E20EN Eu73nc 1998 | A European network to coordinate information exchange between national biomass energy programmes on agricultural and forestry biomass : phase 1, final report : December 1995 / | 1 |
1000 E20EN Eu73spr 2005 | Europe strengthens passengers' rights | 1 |
1000 E20EN Eu74eif 2002 | European energy infrastructure : fighting congestion and building links / | 1 |
1000 E20EN Eu74ep |
Market Observatory for Energy report. Energy markets in the European Union in ... / |
2 |
1000 E20EN Eu74et 2009 | The European electronic toll service : one vehicle, one contract, one on-board unit / | 1 |