Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E20EX Eu74cr 1999 The European Community's response to the challenges of the International Conference on Population and Development : ICPD + 5, a five year review 1994-1998. 1
1000 E20EX Eu74j 1998 EU-Japan : global partnership for the 21st century. 1
1000 E20EX Eu74lac 2002 The European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. 1
1000 E20EX Eu74np European neighbourhood policy / 1
1000 E20Ex G227om 1998 GATS 2000 : the General Agreement on Trade in Services : opening markets for services / 1
1000 E20EX G511pg 1998 European Union world trade : policies : global partnership, global opportunities / 1
1000 E20EX M341as 1997 The global challenge of international trade : a market access strategy for the European Union. 1
1000 E20Ex M462im 1992 Measures which create the internal market : external dimension / 1
1000 E20EX M662a The European Union mine actions in ... / 1
1000 E20EX P919e Phare national programmes highlights. 1
1000 E20EX R279 1998 European Union, relations, United States. 1
1000 E20EX R279 1998 China European Union, relations, China = China, relations, European Union. 1
1000 E20EX R279 2000 European Union - United States relations / 1
1000 E20EX R279 2000 UN European Union, relations, United Nations. 1
1000 E20EX R279 2002 U.S European Union, relations, United States. 1
1000 E20EX R279 Canada 2001 European Union-Canada relations. 1
1000 E20EX R312eu 2000 The response of the European Union to the anti-personnel landmines challenge / 1
1000 E20EX Se69ee 1997 Serving Europe's exporters : the EU's market access strategy. 1
1000 E20Ex T118ci TACIS contract information. 1
1000 E20EX W242ar 2008 Funding in action : reportage on the EU's instrument for stability / 1