Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E23 Eu74pb 1970-2003 Bibliographie Parlement européen, 1970-2003 European Parliament bibliography, 1970-2003 / 1
1000 E23 Eu74pb 1990-96 Parlement européen : bibliographie 1990-1996 = European Parliament : bibliography / 1
1000 E23 Eu74pc 2008 The European Parliament as a champion of European values / 1
1000 E23 Eu74pfs 2001/map European Union, member states and applicant countries. 1
1000 E23 Eu74pg 2003 The European Parliament at a glance. 1
1000 E23 Eu74pp 2009 The European Parliament's political groups / 1
1000 E23 Eu74pw 2015 The European Parliament's web video service. 1
1000 E23 Ex76 1968 Exposé de M. Dröscher sur les conditions politiques de la réalisation intégrale et de l'élargissement des Communautés. 1
1000 E23 F119 Fact sheets on the European Union / 1
1000 E23 H192m 2004 European Parliament : handbook for members. 1
1000 E23 J667pg 2003 Joint practical guide of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission for persons involved in the drafting of legislation within the Community institutions. 1
1000 E23 L696 Medlemsfortegnelse over Præsidiet, Parlamentet, de politiske grupper, udvalgene og de interparlamentariske delegationer / 1
1000 E23 M366g 2001 Gaetano Martino : ten years in the European Parliment (1957-1967) : a scientist at the service of Europe : parliamentary speeches given during various periods of office / 1
1000 E23 N213 no.3 Bodies within national parliaments specialising in European Community affairs / 1
1000 E23 N213 no.5 European Parliament and the Trans-European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) : symposium on the European Parliament in the Community system, November 1988 : summary report and plenary debates. 1
1000 E23 N213 no. 7 Commissions correspondantes à celles du Parlement européen dans les parlements nationaux : répertoire, dénomination des commissions dans la langue d'origine pour chaque parlement national = directory, name of committees in the language of origin for each national parliament = Leitfaden, Bezeichnung der Ausschüsse in der Originalsprache für jedes nationale Parlament. 1
1000 E23 N213 no.10 1990 The Economic consequences of fiscal harmonization in Europe / 1
1000 E23 N42t 1993, the new treaties : European Parliament proposals. 1
1000 E23 N474 EP news. 1
1000 E23 On1rr 1979-84 On the right road : a report on the first legislative period, 1979-1984 / 1