Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E23 Eu73pec 2005 The European Parliament and the European Constitution. 1
1000 E23 Eu73pm 1998 The European Parliament and the mad cow crisis : from a major disaster, to a consumer health policy / 1
1000 E23 Eu73poe 2005 The European Parliament's opinion on the European Constitution on the basis of the report presented by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs 'on the Treaty establishing a constitution for Europe.' 1
1000 E23 Eu73w 1999 Europe for women, women for Europe / 1
1000 E23 Eu74as no.114 1999 The euro as "parallel currency" 1999-2002 : working paper / 1
1000 E23 Eu74as no.114A 2001 Euroen som 'parallel valuta' 1999-2002 ... = The Euro as "parallel currency" 1999-2002 / 1
1000 E23 Eu74as no.117 1999 EMU and enlargement : a review of policy issues / 1
1000 E23 Eu74as no.125 2001 Tax co-ordination in the European Union / 1
1000 E23 Eu74d European documentation : a survey. 1
1000 E23 Eu74es 2009 European elections : so what? 1
1000 E23 Eu74es 2009 IE European elections : so what? 1
1000 E23 Eu74es 2009 UK European elections : so what? 1
1000 E23 Eu74f Cahiers de documentation européenne. 1
1000 E23 Eu74fs 1998 L'Union européenne et la sécurité alimentaire : les leçons de la crise ESB / 1
1000 E23 Eu74ip 1980 The European Parliament, its powers. 1
1000 E23 Eu74p 1977 The European parliament / 1
1000 E23 Eu74p 1997 The European Parliament. 1
1000 E23 Eu74p 1998 The European Parliament. 1
1000 E23 Eu74p 2000 The European Parliament. 1
1000 E23 Eu74p 2002 The European Parliament. 1