Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
1000 E5 Ag47if 2001 | Ageing and income : financial resources and retirement in 9 OECD countries / | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag47tm 2001 | Ageing and transport : mobility needs and safety issues. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag81ep 1993 | Agricultural and environmental policy integration : recent progress and new directions / | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83ap13 | Agricultural policy in Spain : this report was discussed and adopted by the OECD Working Party on Agricultural Policies at a meeting on 18th-22th [i.e. 22nd] February, 1974. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83ap¹⁶ 1974 | Agricultural policy in France. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83ap¹ⶠ1974 | Agricultural policy in France. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83b 2003 | Agriculture and biodiversity : developing indicators for policy analysis : proceedings from an OECD Expert Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, November 2001. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83ch 1985 | Agriculture in China : prospects for production and trade. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83co 1990 | Agriculture and the consumer. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83dc 2005 | Agriculture and development : the case for policy coherence. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83e | Agricultural and environmental policies : opportunities for integration. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83fp 2006 | Agricultural and fisheries policies in Mexico : recent achievements, continuing the reform agenda. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83p |
Agricultural policies, markets, and trade. Agricultural policy monitoring and evaluation : OECD countries and emerging economies. Agricultural policies in OECD countries. |
3 |
1000 E5 Ag83pep 1997 | Agriculture, pesticides, and the environment : policy options. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83pN | Agricultural policies in non-OECD countries : monitoring and evaluation. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83pr 1994 | Agricultural policy reform : new approaches : the role of direct income payments. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83prs 1995 | Agricultural policy reform and adjustment : the Swedish experience. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83pt 2006 | Agricultural policy and trade reform : potential effects at global, national, and household levels. | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83pti 2007 | Agricultural policy and trade reform : the impact on world commodity markets / | 1 |
1000 E5 Ag83r Hungary 1994 | Review of agricultural policies. | 1 |