Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E5 Ev13apr U.S. 2011 Evaluation of agricultural policy reforms in the United States. 1
1000 E5 Ev13dm 1994 Evaluation and the decision making process in higher education : French, German and Spanish experiences. 1
1000 E5 Ev13ei 1997 Evaluating economic instruments for environmental policy. 1
1000 E5 Ev13l Evaluating labour market and social programmes : the state of a complex art / 1
1000 E5 Ev13pp 2005 Evaluating public participation in policy-making / 1
1000 E5 Ev13r 1987 Evaluation of research : a selection of current practices / 1
1000 E5 Ev13re 1996 Evaluating and reforming education systems. 1
1000 E5 Ev13rq 2009 Evaluating and rewarding the quality of teachers : international practices / 1
1000 E5 Ev64bp 2009 Evolutions in budgetary practice : Allen Schick and the OECD Senior Budget Officials. 1
1000 E5 Ex74oh 1997 Explorations in OEEC history / 1
1000 E5 Ex75cr The Export credit financing systems in OECD member countries. 1
1000 E5 Ex75cra 1998 The export credit arrangement : achievements and challenges 1978-1998. 1
1000 E5 Ex84oh 2005 Extending opportunities : how active social policy can benefit us all / 1
1000 E5 Ex84pr 2001 Extended producer responsibility : a guidance manual for governments. 1
1000 E5 Ex84s External debt statistics : the debt and other external liabilities of developing, CMEA and certain other countries and territories. 1
1000 E5 Ex84s Main External debt statistics. 1
1000 E5 Æ e3pc 1999 OECD principles of corporate governance / 1
1000 E5 Ơe3pc 1999 OECD principles of corporate governance / 1
1000 E5 F118fm Facing the future : mastering the probable and managing the unpredictable. 1
1000 E5 F119 OECD factbook. 1