Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E5 J579mw 1997 Making work pay : taxation, benefits, employment and unemployment. 1
1000 E5 J579pa 1996 Pushing ahead with the strategy / 1
1000 E5 J579s 1994 The OECD jobs study : evidence and explanations. 1
1000 E5 J579sf 1994 The OECD jobs study : facts, analysis, strategies / 1
1000 E5 J579sis 1995 The OECD jobs study : implementing the strategy. 1
1000 E5 J579st 1995 The OECD jobs study : taxation, employment and unemployment / 1
1000 E5 J579tp 1996 Technology, productivity, and job creation : the OECD jobs strategy. 1
1000 E5 J579tp 1998 Technology, productivity and job creation : best policy practices / 1
1000 E5 J826b OECD journal on budgeting. 1
1000 E5 J826bc OECD journal.
Journal of business cycle measurement and analysis : a joint publication of OECD and CIRET.
1000 E5 J826cl OECD journal of competition law and policy. 1
1000 E5 K255cs 2004 Keeping children safe in traffic. 1
1000 E5 K255ss 2004 Keeping schools safe in earthquakes. 1
1000 E5 K761sl 2001 Knowledge and skills for life : first results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000. 1
1000 E5 K841kb 2000 Korea and the knowledge-based economy : making the transition / 1
1000 E5 L114ma 2000 Labour migration and the recent financial crisis in Asia / 1
1000 E5 L114mf Labour market flexibility : trends in enterprises. 1
1000 E5 L114mn 1993 The Labour market in the Netherlands. 1
1000 E5 L114mp Labour market policies for the 1990s. 1
1000 E5 L114mp Switzerland 1996 Labour market policies in Switzerland. 1