Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.39 1999 Budgeting in a surplus environment. 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.40 1999 Labour and employment practices in today's global economy : implications for the OECD guidelines on multinational enterprises : report on a meeting of management experts held under the OECD Labour/Management Programme (Paris, 10 March 1999) 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.41 1999 The levels and cyclical behaviour of mark-ups across countries and market structures / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.42 1999 The role of telecommunications and information infrastructures in advancing electronic commerce. 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.61 1999 Net social expenditure / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.87 1999 Health policy brief : data protection in transborder flows of health research data / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.88 1999 Summary indicators of product market regulation with an extension to employment protection legislation / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.89 1999 What the yield curves say about inflation : does it change over time? / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.90 1999 Transport and environment : synthesis of OECD work on environment and transport and survey of related OECD, IEA and ECMT activities / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.91 1999 Implementation of the OECD procedural guidelines on trade and environment : results of the second review. 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.92 1999 Joint OECD-Private Sector Workshop on Electronic Authentication : Stanford and Menlo Park, California 2-4 June 1999 / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.93 1999 Mobilising human resources for innovation : proceedings from the OECD Workshop on Science and Technology Labour Markets, 17 May 1999 / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.94 1999 Consensus document on the biology of Oryza sativa (rice) 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.95 1998 Guidance for conducting retrospective studies on socio-economic analysis / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.96 1999 Summary record of the 20th Meeting of the Public Management Committee, 28-29 October, 1999. 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.97 1999 The steel market in 1998 and the outlook for 1999 and 2000 / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.98 1999 Permit allocation methods, greenhouse gases, and competitiveness. 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.99 1999 Distributional effects of agricultural support in selected OECD countries / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.7 no.100 1999 The economics and politics of transition to an open market economy : India / 1
1000 E5 W892p v.8 no.1 2000 Cross-border mergers and acquisitions : their role in industrial globalisation / 1