Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E6 ED R259et 1997 Reforming energy and transport subsidies : environmental and economic implications / 1
1000 E6 ED Su82cp 1997 Sustainable consumption and production : clarifying the concepts. 1
1000 E6 ED T226cp 1995 Technologies for cleaner production and products : towards technological transformation for sustainable development / 1
1000 E6 ED T651sh 2002 Towards sustainable household consumption? : trends and policies in OECD countries / 1
1000 E6 ED W279wm 1996 Washington Waste Minimisation Workshop. 1
1000 E6 ED W292cs 1998 Water consumption and sustainable water resources management / 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84ms Education in modern society. 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84msm OECD ministers discuss education in modern society. 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84o Education in OECD countries / 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84pr Educational planning : a reappraisal. 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84so The educational situation in OECD countries : a review of trends and priority issues for policy. 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84t 1984 Educational trends in the 1970s : a quantitative analysis. 1
1000 E6 EDUC Ed84tb Education and training after basic schooling. 1
1000 E6 EDUC L626ℓa 1996 Lifelong learning for all : meeting of the Education Committee at Ministerial Level, 16-17 1996. 1
1000 E6 EDUC L626ℓa 1996 Lifelong learning for all : meeting of the Education Committee at Ministerial Level, 16-17 1996. 1
1000 E6 EDUC P961ed 1992 Public educational expenditure, costs and financing : an analysis of trends 1970-1988. 1
1000 E6 EDUC R246te 1998 Redefining tertiary education / 1
1000 E6 EDUC St28se 2001 Starting strong : early childhood education and care. 1
1000 E6 EDUC St28se 2006 Starting strong II : early childhood education and care. 1
1000 E6 EELS Ea76ij 1998 Early identification of jobseekers at risk of long-term unemployment : the role of profiling. 1