1000 E6 ES W892 no. 73
The saving behaviour of Japanese households / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 74
Industrial subsidies in the OECD economies / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 75
Measuring industrial subsidies : some conceptual issues / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 76
The dollar position of the non-U.S. private sector, portfolio effects, and the exchange rate of the dollar / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 77
Monetary policy in the wake of financial liberalisation / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 78
Indicators of fiscal policy : a re-examination / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 79
Suggestions for a new set of fiscal indicators / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 80
Fiscal indicators / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 81
Financial liberalisation and consumption behaviour / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 82
Economics and the environment : a survey of issues and policy options / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 83
Exchange rate policy in advanced commodity-exporting countries : the case of Australia and New Zealand / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 84
WALRAS, a multi-sector, multi-country applied general equilibrium model for quantifying the economy-wide effects of agricultural policies : a technical manual / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 85
Simulating the OECD INTERLINK model under alternative monetary policy rules / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 86
Modelling wages and prices for the smaller OECD countries / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 87
The "puzzle" of wage moderation in the 1980s / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no.88
Business investment in the OECD economies: recent performance and some implications for policy / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no.89
A survey of studies of the costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 90
The Public sector : issues for the 1990s / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 91
Infrastructure and private-sector productivity / |
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1000 E6 ES W892 no. 92
Unemployment persistence and insider-outsider forces in wage determination / |
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