Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E6 LEED M289ls 2008 Making local strategies work : building the evidence base / 1
1000 E6 LEED M813jj 2008 More than just jobs : workforce development in a skills-based economy / 1
1000 E6 LEED N389el 1996 Networks of enterprises and local development : competing and co-operating in local productive systems. 1
1000 E6 LEED Or4le 2010 Organising local economic development : the role of development agencies and companies / 1
1000 E6 LEED Sk33un 2006 Skills upgrading : new policy perspectives. 1
1000 E6 LEED So13eb 2007 The social economy : building inclusive economies / 1
1000 E6 LOFT A233 1990 The OECD/LOFT project : achievements and significant results : 9th-11th May 1990, Madrid, Spain : proceedings of an open forum / 1
1000 E6 ME P693 Planning education for economic and social development; lectures presented at the Training Course for Human Resource Strategists. 1
1000 E6 MEG As87 1993 Astronomy. 1
1000 E6 MEG D361d 1993 Deep drilling. 1
1000 E6 MEG G511cp 1991 Global change of planet earth. 1
1000 E6 MEG G511hg 1995 The global human genome programme / 1
1000 E6 MEG M473b 1993 Megascience and its background / 1
1000 E6 MEG M473pi 1995 Megascience policy issues / 1
1000 E6 MEG N319bs 1994 Neutron beams and synchrotron radiation sources / 1
1000 E6 MEG Oc2 1994 Oceanography / 1
1000 E6 MEG P258p 1995 Particle physics / 1
1000 E6 NEA Ac46ns 1993 Achieving nuclear safety : improvements in reactor safety design and operation. 1
1000 E6 NEA Ac83 NEA activities in ... : ... activity report of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. 1
1000 E6 NEA Ad95 Advanced water-cooled reactor technologies : rationale, state of progress and outlook / 1