Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 E6 NEA Of3sn 1991 Off-site nuclear emergency exercises : proceedings of an NEA workshop, The Hague, Netherlands, 12-15 November 1991 = Exercises d'application hors site des plans d'urgence en cas d'accident nucléaire : compte rendu d'une réunion de travail de l'AEN, Le Haye, Pays-Bas, 12-15 novembre 1991. 1
1000 E6 NEA P174ma 1992 Paleohydrogeological methods and their applications : proceedings of an NEA workshop, Paris (France), 9-10 November 1992 = Les Méthodes paléohydrogéologiques et leurs applications : compte rendu d'une réunion de travail de l'AEN, Paris (France), 9-10 novembre 1992. 1
1000 E6 NEA P258lm 2010 Partnering for long-term management of radioactive waste : evolution and current practice in thirteen countries. 1
1000 E6 NEA P364iw 2005 Pellet-clad interaction in water reactor fuels : seminar proceedings, Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 March 2004 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P418sr 1992 The Periodic safety review of nuclear power plants : practices in OECD countries. 1
1000 E6 NEA P432nd 2006 Perspectives on nuclear data for the next decade : P(ND)̂2 : workshop proceedings, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France, 26-28 September 2005 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P569fp 1999 Proceedings of the workshop on the Physics and fuel performance of reactor-based plutonium disposition : 28-30 September 1998, OECD Development Centre, Paris, France / 1
1000 E6 NEA P569pr Physics of plutonium recycling : a report / 1
1000 E6 NEA P746 Plutonium fuel : an assessment : report / 1
1000 E6 NEA P825ea 2000 Porewater extraction from argillaceous rocks for geochemical characterisation : methods and interpretation. 1
1000 E6 NEA P874gc 1993 Power generation choices : costs, risks and externalities : proceedings of an international symposium, Washington, (USA), 23-24 September 1993 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P938ac 1994 Probabilistic accident consequence assessment codes : second international comparison : overview report / 1
1000 E6 NEA P938sa 1989 Probabilistic safety assessment in nuclear power plant management : a report by a group of experts of the NEA Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations, June 1989 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P941g Proceedings of the Workshop on Geological Disposal of Radio-active Waste: In Situ Experiments in Granite Compte rendu d'une Réunion de travail sur l'évacuation des déchets radioactifs dans les formations géologiques: Expériences in situ dans du granite, Stockholm, Suède 25th-27th October 1982 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P941in Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting on In Core In[s]trumentation and Reactor Assessment : Cadarache, France, 7th-10th June 1988 = Compte rendu d'une réunion de spécialistes sur l'instrumentation et l'évaluation de l'état du coeur des réacteurs nucléaires : Cadarache, France, 7-10 juin 1988. 1
1000 E6 NEA P941ne/2 Proceedings of an NEA Workshop on near-field assessment of repositories for low and medium level radioactive waste : Baden, Switzerland, 23-25 Nov. 1985 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P941np Proceedings of a Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant Life Extension, Paris, 24th-27th February 1987 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P941ps 2001 Proceedings of the Workshop on Pyrochemical Separations : Avignon, France, 14-16 March 2000 / 1
1000 E6 NEA P941re/2 Proceedings of an NEA Symposium on Reducing the Frequency of Nuclear Reactor Scrams : Tokyo, 14-18 April 1986 = Compte rendu d'un Symposium de l'AEN sur la réduction de la fréquence des arrêts d'urgence des réacteurs nucléaires. 1
1000 E6 NEA P941un Proceedings of an NEA Workshop on Uncertainty Analysis for Performance Assessments of Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems : Seattle, United States, 24-26 February 1987 / 1