Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 F17 Ac46bg 2018 Achieving blue growth : building vibrant fisheries and aquaculture communities. 1
1000 F17 Ac85 2012 Action plan of the global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics : for food security, sustainable agriculture and rural development. 1
1000 F17 Ad17cc 2014 Adapting to climate change through land and water management in Eastern Africa : results of pilot projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. 1
1000 F17 Ad28af 2017 Addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in national adaptation plans : [supplementary guidelines] / 1
1000 F17 Ad94b Breeding legumes for enhanced symbiotic nitrogen fixation : proceedings ... / 1
1000 F17 Ad95 Advances in aquaculture : papers presented at the FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture, Kyoto, Japan, 26 May-2 June 1976 / 1
1000 F17 Af8 FAO Africa survey : report on the possibilities of African rural development in relation to economic and social growth. 1
1000 F17 Af8 prelim FAO Africa survey : report on the possibilities of African rural development in relation to economic and social growth. 1
1000 F17 Af83c Conservation and management of African wildlife / 1
1000 F17 Af83ro 2017 Africa regional overview of food security and nutrition 2016 : the challenges of building resilience to shocks and stresses. 1
1000 F17 Ag32 The ageing of fish : the proceedings of an international symposium on the ageing of fish / 1
1000 F17 Ag8 Informe del Comité Especial sobre Reforma Agraria. 1
1000 F17 Ag81rr 1979 Report / World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, Rome, 12-20 July 1979. 1
1000 F17 Ag82pc 1995 Agreement to promote compliance with international conservation and management measures by fishing vessels on the high seas = Accord visant á favoriser le respect par les navires de pêche en haute mer des mesures internationales de conservation et de gestion = Acuerdo para promover el cumplimiento de las medidas internacionales de conservación y ordenación por los buques pesqueros que pescan en alta mar = Cu jin gong hai yu chuan zun shou guo ji yang hu ji guan li cuo shi de xie ding. 1
1000 F17 Ag83 Pesticide residues in food : joint report of the FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. 1
1000 F17 Ag83ao no.82 1972 Empleo del agua oxigenada en la recogida de la leche en condiciones dificiles / 1
1000 F17 Ag83cc 2019 Agriculture and climate change : challenges and opportunities at the global and local level : collaboration on climate-smart agriculture / 1
1000 F17 Ag83cm 2006 Agricultural commodity markets and trade : new approaches to analyzing market structure and instability / 1
1000 F17 Ag83det no.3 2018 Agricultural policy incentives in sub-Saharan Africa in the last decade (2005-2016) : Monitoring and Analysing Food and Agricultural Policies (MAFAP) synthesis study / 1
1000 F17 Ag83det no.5 2019 Access to markets for small actors in the roots and tubers sector : tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets / 1