Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
1000 F17 F543r no.543 | Report of the ... session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.545 1996 | Report of the FAO/China Society of Fisheries Experts and Industry Consultation on Selective Fishing for Responsible Exploitation of the Marine Resources in Asia, Beijing, China, 12-17 October 1995. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.547 1997 | Report of the Technical Consultation on Reduction of Wastage in Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan, 28 October -- 1 November 1996. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.547 Suppl. 1997 | Papers presented at the Technical Consultation on Reduction of Wastage in Fisheries : Tokyo, Japan, 28 October - 1 November 1996. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.548 1997 | Report of Expert Consultation on Small-Scale Rural Aguaculture, Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996 / compiled by Manuel Marinez-Espinosa ... [et al.] | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.549 1997 | Report of the Workshop on the Role of Financial Institutions in Strengthening National Fisheries Industries and Privatization of Fisheries Investment in Small Island Developing States, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 24-28 June 1996. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.559 1997 | Report of the Expert Consultation on Inland Fishery Enhancements, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 7-11 April 1997. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.562 | Report of the ... session of the Committee on Fisheries. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.565 1997 | Report of the seventh session of the Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Southwest Indian Ocean : Mahé, Seychelles, 29 September-2 October 1997 / | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.566 1997 | Report of the Workshop on Population Characteristics and Change in Coastal Fishing Communities : Madras, India, 10-14 March 1997. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.572 1998 | Report of the Bangkok FAO Technical Consultation on Policies for Sustainable Shrimp Culture, Bangkok, Thailand, 8-11 December 1997 = Informe de la Consulta Técnica FAO/Bangkok sobre Políticas para el Cultivo Sostenible del Camerón, Bangkok, Tailandia, 8-11 de diciembre de 1997. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.572 Suppl. 1999 | Papers presented at the Bangkok FAO Technical Consultation on Policies for Sustainable Shrimp Culture : Bangkok, Thailand, 8-11 December 1997 = Documentos presentados a la Consulta Técnica FAO/Bangkok sobre Políticas para el Cultivo Sostenible del Camarón : Bangkok, Tailandia, 8-11 de diciembre de 1997. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.577 Ì998 | Report of the Workshop on Financing Value-Added Production and Marketing of Fishery Products in Asia and the Pacific : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26-30 May 1997. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.577 ̀998 | Report of the Workshop on Financing Value-Added Production and Marketing of Fishery Products in Asia and the Pacific : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26-30 May 1997. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.579 1998 | Report of the second session of the Working Party on Fisheries Economics and Statistics, Rome, 2-5 March 1998 = Rapport de la deuxième session du Groupe de travail sur l'économie et les statistiques des pêches, Rome 2-5 mars 1998 = Informe de la segunda reunión del Grupo de trabajo sobre economía y estadústicas de pesca, Roma, 2-5 marzo de 1998. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.580 1998 |
Report of the session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Report of the twentieth session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission : Praia do Carvoeiro, Portugal, 23 June-1 July 1998. |
2 |
1000 F17 F543r no.582 1998 | Report of the Ad hoc Expert Meeting on Indicators and Criteria of Sustainable Shrimp Culture : Rome, Italy, 28-30 April 1998 = Rapport de la Réunion ad hoc d'experts sur les indicateurs et critères relatifs á l'élevage durable des crevettes : Rome, Italie, 28-30 avril 1998. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.583 1999 | Report of the FAO Technical Working Group on the Conservation and Management of Sharks : Tokyo, Japan, 23-27 April 1998. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.584 1998 | Report of the preparatory meeting for the consultation on the management of fishing capacity, shark fisheries and incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries = Rapport de la Réunion préparatoir de la consultation sur la gestion des capacités de pêche, l'aménagement des pêcheries de requins et la capture accessoire d'oiseaux de mer dans les pêches à la palangre = Informe de la Réunión preparatoria para la consulta sobre la ordenacion de la capacidad pesquera, la pesca. | 1 |
1000 F17 F543r no.585 1999 | Report of the FAO Technical Working Group meeting on reduction of incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries : Tokyo, Japan, 25-27 March 1998. | 1 |