1000 F17 F543r no.586 1998
Report of the Technical Working Group on the Management of Fishing Capacity : La Jolla, California, United States, 15-18 April 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.588 1998
Report of the Expert Consultation on Sustainable Fishing Technologies and Practices : St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 1-6 March 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.588 Suppl. 2000
Papers presented at the Expert Consultation on Sustainable Fishing Technologies and Practices : St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 1-6 March 1998 / |
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1000 F17 F543r no.589 1998
Committee on Fisheries report of the sixth session of the Subcommittee on Fish Trade : Bremen, Germany, 3-6 June 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.592 1998
Report of the Workshop on the Review of the Pelagic Surveys Off Northwest Africa in the 1900s : Bergen, Norway, 28 September-2 October 1998 = Rapport de l'Atelier sur la revue des prospections acoustiques de la Côte Nord-Ouest Africaine dans les Années 90. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.593 1999
Report of the management of fishing capacity, shark fisheries and incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries, Rome, Italy, 26-30 October 1998 = Rapport de la consultation sur la gestion des capacites de peche, l'amenagement des pecheries de requins et la capture accessoire d'oiseauc [i.e. oiseaux] de mer dans les peches a la palangre, Rome, Italie, 26-30 octobre 1998 = Informe de la consulta sobre la ordenacion de la capacidad pesquera, la pesca del tiburon y las capituras incidentales de aves marinas en la pesca con palangre, Roma, Italia, 26-30 de octubre de 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.594 1999
Report of the Technical Consultation on the Feasibility of Developing Non-discriminatory Technical Guidelines for Eco-labelling of Products from Marine Capture Fisheries : Rome, 21-23 October 1998 = Rapport de la Consultation Technique sur la Question de Savoir s'il est Possible d'Élaborer des Directives Techniques non Discriminatoires pour l'Étiquetage Écologique des Produits des Pêches de Capture Marines, Rome, Italie, 21-23 octobre 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.595
Report of the ... session of the Committee on Fisheries. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.596 1999
Report of the workshop on economic strengthening of fisheries industries in small island developing states in the South Pacific, Apia, Samoa, 14-18, September 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.597 1999
Report of the Meeting of FAO and Non-FAO Regional Fishery Bodies or Arrangements, Rome, Italy, 11-12 February 1999. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.598 1999
Report of the eleventh session of the Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, Rome, Italy, 17 February 1999 = Rapport de la onzième session de la Commission des pêches pour l'océan Indien, Rome, Italie, 17 février 1999. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.599 1999
Report of the interregional workshop on findings and results of micro-level studies and curriculum development activities of the FAO/UNFPA project on strengthening of research and training in population and development dynamics of rural fishing communities, Serdang, Malaysia, 14-18 December 1998. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.600 1999
National reports presented and stock assessment reports prepared at the CFRAMP/FAO/DANIDA Stock Assessment Workshop on the Shrimp and Groundfish Fisheries on the Guiana-Brazil Shelf : Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 7-18 April 1997. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.601
Report of the ... session of the Scientific Advisory Committee = Rapport de la ... session du Comité scientifique consultatif / |
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1000 F17 F543r no.602
Report of the ... session of the Scientific Advisory Committee = Rapport de la ... session du Comité scientifique consultatif / |
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1000 F17 F543r no.604 1999
Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Trade Impact of Listeria in Fish Products : Amherst, MA, United States, 17-20 May 1999. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.605 1999
Report of the workshop of national coordinators of the UNEP/GEF/FAO project on reducing the impact of tropical shrimp trawling fisheries on living marine resources through the adoption of environmentally friendly techniques and practices, Rome, Italy, 17-19 March 1999. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.606 1999
Report of the Consultation on the Application of Article 9 of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Mediterranean Region = Rapport de la consultation sur l'application de l'article 9 du code de conduite pour une peche responsable de la FAO dans la région méditerranéenne. |
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1000 F17 F543r no.607 1999
Report of the extraordinary session : Alicante, Spain, 7-9 July 1999 / |
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1000 F17 F543r no.609 1999
Report of the UNSD/FAO Joint Workshop on Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Fisheries : New York, 14-16 June 1999. |
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