Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 F17 F543t no.526 2009 Inland fisheries livelihoods in Central Asia : policy interventions and opportunities / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.527 2009 Environmental impact assessment and monitoring in aquaculture : requirements, practices, effectiveness and improvements / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.528 2009 Assessment of comparative advantage in aquaculture : framework and application on selected species in developing countries / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.529 2009 Integrated mariculture : a global review / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.530 2009 Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture : overview of current scientific knowledge / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.531 2009 Use of algae and aquatic macrophytes as feed in small-scale aquaculture : a review / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.532 2009 Geographic information systems to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries : status, opportunities and challenges / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.533 2010 Review of ecolabelling schemes for fish and fishery products from capture fisheries
Review of ecolabelling schemes for fish and fishery products from capture fisheries /
1000 F17 F543t no.534 2009 Measuring the contribution of small-scale aquaculture : an assessment / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.536 2010 International management of tuna fisheries : arrangements, challenges and a way forward / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.537 2010 Marine fishery resources of the Pacific Islands / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.539 2010 Fishing harbour planning, construction and management
Fishing harbour planning, construction and management /
1000 F17 F543t no.540 2009 Feed ingredients and fertilizers for farmed aquatic animals : sources and composition / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.543 2010 Recent developments in the tuna industry stocks, fisheries, management, processing, trade and markets /
Recent developments in the tuna industry : stocks, fisheries, management, processing, trade and markets /
1000 F17 F543t no.544 2011 Coastal fisheries of Latin America and the Caribbean / 2
1000 F17 F543t no.547 2012 Improving biosecurity through prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquatic food production / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.548 2011 Governance of marine protected areas in the least-developed countries case studies from West Africa /
Governance of marine protected areas in the least-developed countries : case studies from West Africa /
1000 F17 F543t no.549 2013 A global assessment of offshore mariculture potential from a spatial perspective / 1
1000 F17 F543t no.550 2010 Post-harvest losses in small-scale fisheries : case studies in five sub-Saharan African countries /
Post-harvest losses in small-scale fisheries case studies in five sub-Saharan African countries /
1000 F17 F543t no.551 2011 Assessment and management of biotoxin risks in bivalve molluscs / 1