Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 F17 F762p no.101 1993 Management and conservation of closed forests in tropical America. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.102 1992 Research management in forestry. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.103 1992 Mixed and pure forest plantations in the tropics and subtropics / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.104 Forest products prices = Prix des produits forestiers. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.105 1992 Compendium of pulp and paper training and research institutions. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.106 1992 Economic assessment of forestry project impacts / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.107 1993 Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management : principles and concepts / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.108 1993 A Decade of wood energy activities within the Nairobi Programme of Action. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.109 1993 Directory of forestry research organizations. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.111 1993 Forestry policies in the Near East region : analysis and synthesis / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.112 1993 Forest resources assessment 1990 : tropical countries. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.113 1993 Ex situ storage of seeds, pollen and in vitro cultures of perennial woody plant species / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.114 1993 Assessing forestry project impacts : issues and strategies / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.115 1993 Forestry policies of selected countries in Asia and the Pacific. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.117 1994 Mangrove forest management guidelines / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.118 1994 Biotechnology in forest tree improvement : with special reference to developing countries / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.120 1994 Decline and dieback of trees and forests : a global overview / 1
1000 F17 F762p no.121 1995 Ecology and rural education : manual for rural teachers. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.122 1994 Readings in sustainable forest management. 1
1000 F17 F762p no.123 1994 Forestry education : new trends and prospects : seventeenth session of the FAO Advisory Committee on Forestry Education combined with Regional Expert Consultation of the Asian Network on Forestry Education : Bangkok, Thailand, 13-15 December 1993. 1