1000 F17 L524s no.23 1980
The Law of international water resources : some general conventions, declarations, and resolutions adopted by governments, international legal institutions, and international organizations, on the management of international water resources / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.25 1984
Legislation on wildlife and protected areas in Africa / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.28 1984
Plant protection legislation / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.34 1984
Systematic index of international water resources treaties, declarations, acts, and cases, by basin. Répertoire systématique par bassin de traités, déclarations, textes législatifs, et jurisprudence concernant les ressources en eau internationales. Tome II. = Repertorio sistematico por cuenca de convenios, declaraciones, textos legislativos, y jurisprudencia relativos a los recursos hidricos internacionales. Tomo II. |
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1000 F17 L524s no.40 1986
International groundwater resources law / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.45
Legal aspects of international joint ventures in agriculture / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.46 1990
The freshwater-maritime interface : legal and institutional aspects / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.47
The Regulation of driftnet fishing on the high seas : legal issues / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.50 1993
Treaties concerning the non-navigational uses of international water courses, Europe = Traités concernant l'utilisation des cours d'eau internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation, Europe = Tratados sobre el uso de los cursos internacionales de agua para fines diferentes de la navegación / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.51 1995
Pesticide registration legislation / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.52 1994
Preparing national regulations for water resources management : principles and practice / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.54 1995
Legislation governing food control and quality certification : authorities and producers / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.55 1995
Treaties concerning the non-navigational uses of international watercourses, Asia / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.57 1996
Coastal state requirements for foreign fishing / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.58 1996
Readings in African customary water law = Anthologie du droit coutumier de l'eau en Afrique / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.61 1997
Treaties concerning the non-navigational uses of international watercourses, Africa / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.62 1999
New principles of phytosanitary legislation / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.63 1998
The burden of proof in natural resources legislation : some critical issues for fisheries law / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.66 1998
Trends in forestry law in America and Asia / |
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1000 F17 L524s no.68 1999
Extracts from international and regional instruments and declarations, and other authoritative texts addressing the right to food = Extraits des instruments et déclarations internationaux et régionaux et d'autres texts d'autorité concernant au droit à l'alimentation = Extractos de instrumentos y declaraciones internacionales y regionales y de otros textos revestidos de autoridad sobre el derecho a la alimentaciʹon / |
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