Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 I113 F521m 2014 Ap Public expenditure reform making difficult choices. 1
1000 I113 F521m 2014/oc Back to work, how fiscal policy can help. 1
1000 I113 F521m 2015/ap Now is the time : fiscal policies for sustainable growth. 1
1000 I113 F521ms 2008 Fiscal management of scaled-up aid / 1
1000 I113 F521pm 2012 Fiscal policy to mitigate climate change : a guide for policymakers / 1
1000 I113 F521rs 2009 Fiscal risks : sources, disclosure, and management / 1
1000 I113 F522aip 2003 Fiscal adjustment in IMF-supported programs : evaluation report. 1
1000 I113 F522pe 1990 Fiscal policy, economic adjustment, and financial markets / 1
1000 I113 F522pf 2003 Fiscal policy formulation and implementation in oil-producing countries / 1
1000 I113 F522po 1990 Fiscal policy in open developing economies / 1
1000 I113 F522t 1992 Fiscal policies in economies in transition / 1
1000 I113 F761dis 2001 Foreign direct investment statistics : how countries measure FDI, 2001. 1
1000 I113 F761dit 2004 Foreign direct investment : trends, data availability, concepts, and recording practices / 1
1000 I113 F761ip 1992 Foreign and intratrade policies of the Arab countries / 1
1000 I113 F843ms 1994 Frameworks for monetary stability : policy issues and country experiences : papers presented at the sixth seminar on central banking, Washington D.C., March 1-10, 1994 / 1
1000 I113 F845fr 1995 France, financial and real sector issues / 1
1000 I113 F925cn 1999 From crisis to a new recovery : excerpts from selected addresses / 1
1000 I113 F928da 2015 Frontier and developing Asia : the next generation of emerging markets / 1
1000 I113 F963 Finance & development.
The Fund and Bank review : finance and development.
1000 I113 F963i The Fund's international banking statistics / 1