Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 I41 T225 no. 1441 2005 Effects of nickel on irradiation embrittlement of light water reactor pressure vessel steels. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1442 2005 Guidelines for prediction of irradiation embrittlement of operating WWER-440 reactor pressure vessels : report prepared within the framework of the coordinated research project. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1443 2005 Nuclear analytical methods for platinum group elements. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1444 2005 Optimization of the coupling of nuclear reactors and desalination systems : final report of a coordinated research project, 1999-2003. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1445 2005 Development of protocols for corrosion and deposits evaluation in pipes by radiography. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1446 2005 OSART mission highlights 2001-2003 : operational safety practices in nuclear power plants. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1447 2005 Optimization of the radiological protection of patients : image quality and dose in mammography (coordinated research in Europe) 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1448 2005 Use of isotope techniques to trace the origin of acidic fluids in geothermal systems. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1449 2005 Radiological aspects of non-fixed contamination of packages and conveyances : final report of a coordinated research project, 2001-2002. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1450 2005 Thorium fuel cycle : potential benefits and challenges. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1451 2005 Innovative small and medium sized reactors : design features, safety approaches and R&D trends : final report of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 7-11 June 2004. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1452 2005 Management of high enriched uranium for peaceful purposes : status and trends. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1453 2005 Isotopic composition of precipitation in the Mediterranean Basin in relation to air circulation patterns and climate : final report of a coordinated research project, 2000-2004. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1454 2005 Structural behaviour of fuel assemblies for water cooled reactors : proceedings of a technical meeting held in Cadarache, France, 22-26 November 2004. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1455 2005 Implementation of the international code of practice on dosimetry in radiotherapy (TRS 398) : review of testing results. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1456 2005 In situ applications of X ray fluorescence techniques : final report of a coordinated research project, 2000-2003. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1457 2005 Measurement of residual stress in materials using neutrons : proceedings of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 13-17 October, 2003. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1458 2005 Effective corrective actions to enhance operational safety of nuclear installations. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1459 2005 Technical data on nucleonic gauges. 1
1000 I41 T225 no. 1460 2005 Elements of power plant design for inertial fusion energy : final report of coordinated research project, 2000-2004. 1