1000 I41 T225 no.1552 2007
Cost considerations and financing mechanisms for the disposal of low and intermediate waste / |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1553 2007
Low and intermediate level waste repositories : socioeconomic aspects and public involvement : proceedings of a workshop held in Vienna, 9-11 November 2005. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1554 2007
Generic safety issues for nuclear power plants with pressurized heavy water reactors and measures for their resolution. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1555 2007
Managing the first nuclear power plant project. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1556 2007
Assessment and management of ageing of major nuclear power plant components important to safety : PWR pressure vessels, 2007 update. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1557 2007
Assessment and management of ageing of major nuclear power plant components important to safety : PWR vessesl internals, 2007 update. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1558 2007
Selection of away-from-reactor facilities for spent fuel storage. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1560 2007
Dose reporting in ion beam therapy : proceedings of a meeting organized jointly by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc. and held in Ohio, United States of America, 18-20 March 2006. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1561 2007
Economics of nuclear desalination : new developments and site specific studies : final results of a coordinated research project, 2002-2006. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1562 2007
Developing a programme on molecular nuclear medicine : proceedings of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 29 November-1, December 2004. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1563 2007
Spent fuel and high level waste, chemical durability and performance under simulated repository conditions : results of a coordinated research project, 1998-2004 / |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1564 2007
Intercomparison of personal dose equivalent measurements by active personal dosimeters : final report of a joint IAEA-EURADOS project. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1565 2007
Validation procedures of software applied in nuclear instruments : proceedings of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 20-23 November 2006. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1566 2007
Factors affecting public and political acceptance for the implementation of geological disposal. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1568 2007
Intercomparison exercise on internal dose assessment : final report of a joint IAEA-IDEAS project. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1569 2007
Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors : Experience in Design and Operation. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1570 2007
Proposal for a technology-neutral safety approach for new reactor designs. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1571 2007
Application of radioimmunoassay in improving the reproductive management of smallholder dairy cattle : results from an IAEA regional technical cooperation project in Africa / |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1572 2007
Disposal aspects of low and intermediate level decommissioning waste : results of a coordinated research project 2002-2006. |
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1000 I41 T225 no.1574 2007
Development of improved attractants and their integration into fruit fly SIT management programmes : proceedings of a final Research Coordination Meeting, held in Vienna, 5-7 May 2005 / |
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