Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 I41 T225 no.1896 2020 Nuclear forensics: beyond the science : summary of a technical meeting held in Vienna, Austria, 1-4 April 2019. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1897 2020 Radiotracer technologies for wear, erosion and corrosion management. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1898 2020 Reload design and core management in operating nuclear power plants. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1899 2020 Effective management of regulatory experience for safety. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1900 2020 Understanding and prediction of thermohydraulic phenomena relevant to supercritical water cooled reactors (SCWRs) : final report of a Coordinated Research Project. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1901 2020 INPRO methodology for sustainability of nuclear energy systems: waste management : INPRO manual. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1902 2020 INPRO methodology for sustainability of nuclear energy systems: safety of nuclear reactors : INPRO manual. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1903 2020 INPRO methodology for sustainability of nuclear energy systems: safety of nuclear fuel cycle facilities : INPRO manual. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1904 2020 Development of a common framework for addressing climate and environmental change in post-closure radiological assessment of solid radioactive waste disposal : report of working group 6 common framework for addressing environmental change in long term safety assessments of radioactive waste disposal facilities modaria topical heading uncertainties and variability ; modelling and data for radiological impact assesments (MODARIA) programme. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1905 2020 Seismic isolation systems for nuclear installations. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1906 2020 In-vessel melt retention and ex-vessel corium cooling : summary of a technical meeting. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1907 2020 Benchmarking of computational fluid dynamics codes for fuel assembly design : results of a coordinated research project. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1908 2020 Benchmarking of computational fluid dynamics codes for reactor vessel design : results of a coordinated research project. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1909 2020 Considerations on performing integrated risk informed decision making. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1910 2020 Quality assurance and quality control in nuclear facilities and activities : good practices and lessons learned. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1911 2020 Pathways to energy from inertial fusion: structural materials for inertial fusion facilities : final report of a coordinated research project. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1912 2020 Challenges for coolants in fast neutron spectrum systems. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1913 2020 Modelling of fuel behaviour in design basis accidents and design extension conditions : proceedings of a technical meeting. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1914 2020 Case study on assessment of radiological environmental impact from potential exposure. 1
1000 I41 T225 no.1916 2020 Landscape salinity and water management for improving agricultural productivity / 1