Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 I41 W893sf 2022 World survey of fusion devices 2022. 1
1000 I41 W893ug 2020 World uranium geology, exploration, resources and production. 1
1000 I41 Y32 IAEA yearbook. 1
1000 I49 Data 1
1000 I49 832 Kazakstan 1995 Kazakstan : transition of the state. 1
1000 I49 Ab89 The World Bank research program abstracts of current studies. 1
1000 I49 Ac46cf 2000 Achievements and challenges of fiscal decentralization : lessons from Mexico / 1
1000 I49 Ad28 Address to the Board of Governors / 1
1000 I49 Ad28bc 1969 Address to the Bond Club of New York / 1
1000 I49 Ad28ip 1968 Address to the Inter-American Press Association, Buenos Aires, Oct. 18, 1968. 1
1000 I49 Ad28mit 1977 Address to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology : [an address on the population problem] / 1
1000 I49 Ad28nd 1969 Address to the University of Notre Dame / 1
1000 I49 Ad28uc 1979 Development and the arms race : an address / 1
1000 I49 Ad28unc 1972 Address to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment / 1
1000 I49 Ad28une 1966/2 Address by George D. Woods, president, World Bank Group, to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations : N.Y., December 20, 1966. 1
1000 I49 Ad28unt 1972 Address to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Santiago, Chile : April 14, 1972 / 1
1000 I49 Ad28unt 1979 Address to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Manila, Philippines : May 10, 1979 / 1
1000 I49 Ad49as 1999 Adjustments after speculative attacks in Latin America and Asia : a tale of two regions? / 1
1000 I49 Af83di African development indicators. 1
1000 I49 Af84ag 1989 Africa's adjustment and growth in the 1980s. 1