Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 I49 St94et no.11 1994 Private service firms in a transitional economy : findings of a survey in St. Petersburg / 1
1000 I49 St94et no.12 1994 Macroeconomic consequences of energy supply shocks in Ukraine / 1
1000 I49 St94et no.13 1994 Trade in the new independent states / 1
1000 I49 St94et no.16 1995 Mass privatization in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union : a comparative analysis / 1
1000 I49 St94et no.17 1995 Investment policy in Russia / 1
1000 I49 St94et no.18 1995 Foreign trade statistics in the USSR and successor states / 1
1000 I49 St94et no. 22 1997 Policies on imports from economies in transition : two case studies / 1
1000 I49 St94et no.24 1997 Investments to improve the energy efficiency of existing residential buildings in countries of the former Soviet Union / 1
1000 I49 Su16af 1989 Sub-Saharan Africa : from crisis to sustainable growth : along-term perspective study. 1
1000 I49 Su7se 2008 Sustaining and sharing economic growth in Tanzania / 1
1000 I49 Su82 Sustainability issues in agricultural development : proceedings of the Seventh Agriculture Sector Symposium / 1
1000 I49 T226a no.3 The ventilated improved double-pit latrine : a construction manual for Botswana / 1
1000 I49 T226a no.4 1983 Pit latrine ventilation : field investigation methodology / 1
1000 I49 T226a no.6 1983 Ventilated improved pit latrines : vent pipe design guidelines / 1
1000 I49 T226a no.7 Community-based workshops for evaluating and planning sanitation programs : a case study of primary schools sanitation in Lesotho / 1
1000 I49 T226a no.8 Rural ventilated improved pit latrines : a field manual for Botswana / 1
1000 I49 T226a no.13 1984 The design of ventilated improved pit latrines / 1
1000 I49 T226p Environmental assessment sourcebook / 1
1000 I49 T226p no.2 A model for the development of a self-help water supply program / 1
1000 I49 T226p no.3 Ventilated improved pit latrines : recent developments in Zimbabwe / 1