Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 I51 ESD En89im 1996 Environmental impacts of macroeconomic and sectoral policies / 1
1000 I51 ESD P258s 1996 The World Bank participation sourcebook. 1
1000 I51 ESD R921vt 2000 Russian views of the transition in the rural sector : structures, policy outcomes, and adaptive responses / 1
1000 I51 ESSD B524b 1999 Biotechnology and biosafety : a forum / 1
1000 I51 ESSD En89sdp no.13 1996 The self and the other : sustainability and self-empowerment / 1
1000 I51 ESSD En89sds no.12 1997 Rural development : from vision to action / 1
1000 I51 ESSD En89sds no.17 1997 Expanding the measure of wealth : indicators of environmentally sustainable development. 1
1000 I51 ESSD En89sds no.19 1997 Advancing sustainable development : the World Bank and Agenda 21. 1
1000 I51 ESSD Et37vg 1998 Ethics and values : a global perspective : proceedings of an associated event of the fifth annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development, "Partnerships for Global Ecosystem Management: Science, Economics and Law", held at the World Bank Washington D.C., October 8, 1997 / 1
1000 I51 ESSD R881iw 1999 Rural infrastructure from a World Bank perspective : a knowledge management framework / 1
1000 I51 FP N219gp 1999 Natural gas : private sector participation and market development / 1
1000 I51 GFP T675tf 2000 Trade and transport facilitation : an audit methodology / 1
1000 I51 HDN So13ps 2001 Social protection sector strategy : from safety net to springboard. 1
1000 I51 ID Id1 1977 IDA : International Development Association. 1
1000 I51 ID Id1 1978 IDA : International Development Association. 1
1000 I51 ID n8r 1982 IDA in retrospect : the first two decades of the International Development Association. 1
1000 I51 ID W893 The World Bank and IDA in the Americas : a summary of activities. 1
1000 I51 IF Ad28 1956 Address : inaugural meeting of the Board of governors of the International Finance Corporation / Robert L. Garner. 1
1000 I51 IF Ad28 1957 Address : to the first annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Finance Corporation / 1
1000 I51 IF Ad28 1958 Address : to the second annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Finance Corporation, New Delhi, India, October 8, 1958 / 1