Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 S83 C765i 1999 The conservation ideal : the last eight years of SARCCUS / 1
1000 S83 Ex84 Extension methods for increasing animal production in the SARCCUS Region : technical communication / 1
1000 S83 P941 Proceedings of the ... Ordinary Meeting / 1
1000 T682mg 2007 WHO training modules on GMP a resource and study pack for trainers. 1
1000 T722sc no.16 2006 Reconciling labour flexibility with social cohesion : ideas for political action. 1
1000 T722sc no.18 2006 Achieving social cohesion in a multicultural Europe : concepts, situation and developments / 1
1000 U213 Ac27em 2017 Accountability in education : meeting our commitments. 1
1000 U213 Af83 2012 African world heritage : a remarkable diversity / 1
1000 U213 Af83d African development sourcebook = Guide pratique du développement en Afrique. 1
1000 U213 Af83mn 2005 African music : new challenges, new vocations / 1
1000 U213 Ag82d 2015 Agree to differ / 1
1000 U213 Al51 All men are brothers : life and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi / 1
1000 U213 Al51hb 1998 All human beings-- : a manual for human rights education. 1
1000 U213 Al57u (All of us) 1
1000 U213 Am35m América Latina en su música / 1
1000 U213 Am99a 2012 Amazing Africa = Incroyable Afrique / 1
1000 U213 Ap13e Endgame in South Africa? : the changing structures & ideology of apartheid / 1
1000 U213 Ap13h A history of resistance in Namibia / 1
1000 U213 Ap13r Race, class & the apartheid state / 1
1000 U213 Aq35 Aquatic vegetation and its use and control : a contribution to the International Hydrological Decade / 1