Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 U213 In8ae 2015 Investing against evidence : the global state of early childhood care and education / 1
1000 U213 In8ct 2001 International craft trade fairs : a practical guide. 1
1000 U213 In8d International dimensions of humanitarian law. 1
1000 U213 In8dq 2009 Introducing democracy : 80 questions and answers / 1
1000 U213 In8la International law : achievements and prospects / 1
1000 U213 In8se 2015 The international status of education about the Holocaust : a global mapping of textbooks and curricula / 1
1000 U213 In8u Unesco publication. 1
1000 U213 In9cd 2009 Investing in cultural diversity and Intercultural dialogue. 1
1000 U213 In9mp Inventory of monuments at Pagan = Inventaire des monuments, Pagan / 1
1000 U213 Is4cs 2011 Islands as crossroads : sustaining cultural diversity in small island developing states / 1
1000 U213 Is4cu Culture des îles et développement = Islands' culture and development. 1
1000 U213 Is4t Islamic technology : an illustrated history / 1
1000 U213 INTERNET eIFL-IP Advocacy for Access to Information. copyright & related issues. 1
1000 U213 J777n 1995 Joseph Needham : 20th-century Renaissance man / 1
1000 U213 J826ts 2013 Journeys to school. 1
1000 U213 K761pd 2006 Knowledge, power and dissent : critical perspectives on higher education and research in knowledge society / 1
1000 U213 K765sd 2002 Knowledge for sustainable development : an insight into the Encyclopedia of life support systems. 1
1000 U213 L331em 2003 Laos and ethnic minority cultures : promoting heritage / 1
1000 U213 L479tl 2002 Learning throughout life : challenges for the twenty-first century. 1
1000 U213 L479tw 1996 Learning: the treasure within : report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. 1