Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 U213 Sci28sc 1986 Science and scientific researchers in modern society / 1
1000 U213 Sci28t Thailand 1997 Science and technology in Thailand : lessons from a developing economy / 1
1000 U213 Sci28tc 1992 Science and technology in developing countries : strategies for the 1990s. 1
1000 U213 Sci29ar Scientists, the arms race, and disarmament : a Unesco/Pugwash symposium / 1
1000 U213 Sci29d Scientific diving : a general code of practice / 1
1000 U213 Sci29d 1996 Scientific diving : a general code of practice / 1
1000 U213 Sci29eg 1995 The scientific education of girls : education beyond reproach? / 1
1000 U213 T139ah 1998 Taking action for human rights in the twenty-first century / 1
1000 U213 T143w 1995 Talented women / 1
1000 U213 T221er 2004 Teacher education resource pack : student materials. 1
1000 U213 T221rk Mountain 2010 A teaching resource kit for mountain countries : a creative approach to environmental education. 1
1000 U213 T222c New trends in chemistry teaching. 1
1000 U213 T222i New trends in integrated science teaching. 1
1000 U213 T222psm 1995 Teaching primary school mathematics / 1
1000 U213 T226bi 2006 Technology business incubation : a toolkit on innovation in engineering, science and technology / 1
1000 U213 T226h no. 5 Guide for the collection of traditional musical instruments / 1
1000 U213 T23m Studies in mathematics education / 1
1000 U213 T23m v.8 Moving into the twenty-first century / 1
1000 U213 T238ma 2002 Tell me about Unesco / 1
1000 U213 T259h 1970 Handbook for social research in urban areas. 1