Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 U214 REA Ac12s Academic staff development units in universities. 1
1000 U214 REA Ap35 1988 Report on the first meeting of the Regional Advisory Group. 1
1000 U214 REA As425w Writing for women : civic education. 1
1000 U214 REA B644d no.10 1985 Printing and book publishing in China / 1
1000 U214 REA B874 Bulletin of the Unesco Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia.
Education in Asia and the Pacific : reviews, reports and notes.
Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific.
Bulletin of the Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and Oceania.
1000 U214 REA B874 no.31 1990/91 Aftermath of the World Conference on Education for All / 1
1000 U214 REA C784 Co-operation in curriculum explorations / 1
1000 U214 REA Ed81ad 1992 Education for affective development : a guidebook on programmes and practices. 1
1000 U214 REA Ed81ne 1992 Education for nurturing enterprising abilities : report of a finalization meeting on the APEID Joint Innovative Project on Education for Promoting the Enterprise Competencies of Children and Youth, PROAP, Bangkok, 18-26 November, 1991. 1
1000 U214 REA Ed82t Education for the twenty-first century : Asia-Pacific perspectives / 1
1000 U214 REA Ed83 Education in Asia and the Pacific : reviews, reports and notes. 1
1000 U214 REA Ed83b no. 19 1990 Innovation in construction of small secondary schools in Thailand / 1
1000 U214 REA Ed83i Education for international understanding, co-operation, peace and human rights. 1
1000 U214 REA Em48 EMIS in the Philippines / 1
1000 U214 REA F892 A fresh look at teaching physics at school level : report of the Unesco Regional Workshop on the Training of Physics Teachers, 18-28, 1986. 1
1000 U214 REA F962 Funding for higher education in Asia and the Pacific : strategies to increase cost efficiency and attract additional financial support / 1
1000 U214 REA F989cs 1992 Future content in science and technology education at secondary level. 1
1000 U214 REA G769rn 1985 Grass roots networking for primary education : case studies, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Japan. 1
1000 U214 REA G942s Guidebook for the development, distribution and evaluation of educational software. 1
1000 U214 REA H191e Handbook on the organization and management of distance education study centres. 1