1000 W105 C613h
Climate and human health : world climate programme applications / |
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1000 W105 C613ips 1995
Climate Information and Prediction Services : CLIPS. |
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1000 W105 C613ps 2016
Climate prediction for small island nations : managing risks, maximizing opportunities. |
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1000 W105 C613ss 2016
Climate services for supporting climate change adaptation : supplement to the technical guidelines for the national adaptation plan process. |
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1000 W105 C613ud 1996
Climate and urban development / |
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1000 W105 C614a 2015
Climate in Africa: 2013. |
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1000 W105 C614cc 2010
Climate, carbon, and coral reefs. |
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1000 W105 C614ka 2005
Climate knowledge for adaptation and sustainable development / |
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1000 W105 C614ld 2005
Climate and land degradation / |
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1000 W105 C614n 1961/90
Climatological normals (CLINO) for the period 1961-1990 = Normales climatologiques (CLINO) pour la peŕiode 1961-1990. |
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1000 W105 C614s 2009
Climate sense / |
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1000 W105 C737cs 2011
Commission for Climatology : over eighty years of service / |
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1000 W105 C738et 1996
Compendium of education and training facilities for meteorology and operational hydrology / |
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1000 W105 C738l
Compendium of lecture notes in climatology for Class IV meteorological personnel / |
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1000 W105 C738lc 1992
Compendium of lecture notes in climatology for Class III and Class IV personnel / |
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1000 W105 C738lm 1991
Compendium of lecture notes in marine meteorology for class III and class IV personnel / |
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1000 W105 C738tm 2003
Compendium on tropical meteorology for aviation purposes / |
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1000 W105 C76rc 2015
Conference report : Conference on the Gender Dimensions of Weather and Climate Services : universal access, empowering women. |
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1000 W105 C769wm 2011
Contributions by the World Meteorological Organization to the Millennium Development Goals. |
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1000 W105 C978wc 2001
Volunteers for weather, climate and water. |
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