Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 W105 In8ca International cloud album for observers in aircraft. 1
1000 W105 In8cc 2002 Introduction to climate change : lecture notes for meteorologists / 1
1000 W105 In8fm 2009 Integrated flood management : concept paper. 1
1000 W105 In8gh 1992 International glossary of hydrology = Glossaire international d'hydrologie. 1
1000 W105 In8mv 1992 International meteorological vocabulary = Vocabulaire météorologique international = Mezhdunarodnyĭ meteorologicheskiĭ slovarʹ = Vocabulario meterológico internacional / 1
1000 W105 L497ec 33rd 1983 Long-range transport of sulphur in the atmosphere and acid rain : lectures presented at the thirty-third session of the WMO Executive Committee. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 34th 1983 Results of the Global Weather Experiment : lectures presented at the thirty-fourth session of the WMO Executive Committee. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 40th 1989 Mesoscale forecasting and its applications / 1
1000 W105 L497ec 41st 1991 Meteorological and hydrological risk assessment and disaster reduction : lectures presented at the forty-first session of the WMO Executive Council. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 44th 1994 Climate change issues : lectures presented at the forty-fourth session of the WMO Executive Council. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 45th 1994 Lectures presented at the forty-fifth session of the WMO Executive Council / 1
1000 W105 L497ec 46th 1995 Lectures presented at the forty-sixth session of the WMO Executive Council. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 48th 1998 Lectures presented at the forty-eighth session of the WMO Executive Council. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 49th 2000 Lectures presented at the forty-ninth session of the WMO Executive Council. 1
1000 W105 L497ec 50th 2000 Lectures presented at the fiftieth session of the WMO Executive Council. 1
1000 W105 L498nt 2001 Lecture notes for training agricultural meteorological personnel / 1
1000 W105 L523ia 2006 Legal and institutional aspects of integrated flood management / 1
1000 W105 L523ia Case studies 2006 Legal and institutional aspects of integrated flood management : case studies / 1
1000 W105 L849cc 1975 Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluctuations, Norwich, 18-23 August, 1975. 1
1000 W105 L851tp 1st 1984/93 First WMO long-term plan : part I, overall policy and strategy, 1984-1993 / 1