Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 W65 P346 PEEM news : newsletter of the Panel of Experts of Environmental Management for Vector Control. 1
1000 W65 P432d 1993 Personality disorders : epidemiology of mental disorders and psychosocial problems / 1
1000 W65 P432pe 2016 Personal protective equipment for use in a filovirus disease outbreak : rapid advice guideline. 1
1000 W65 P439rf Pesticide residues in food : joint report of the FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues. 1
1000 W65 P494 International pharmacopoeia.
The international pharmacopoeia = Pharmacopoea internationalis.
1000 W65 P693bd 2003 Planning and budgeting to deliver services for mental health / 1
1000 W65 P751bh 2013 Pocket book of hospital care for children : guidelines for the management of common childhood illnesses / 1
1000 W65 P769ta 2003 Policy tools for allocative efficiency of health services / 1
1000 W65 P838 Ports designated in application of the International Health Regulations : situation as on. 1
1000 W65 P847he 1990 Potential health effects of climatic change : report of a WHO task group. 1
1000 W65 P881hp 2008 A practical handbook on the pharmacovigilance of antimalarial medicines. 1
1000 W65 P928 Prevention in childhood of health problems in adult life / 1
1000 W65 P928b 1992 Prevention of childhood blindness / 1
1000 W65 P928c Prevention and control of yellow fever in Africa. 1
1000 W65 P928di 2017 Preventing drowning : an implementation guide / 1
1000 W65 P928dl 1993 Prevention of disabilities in patients with leprosy : a practical guide / 1
1000 W65 P928i Preventing and controlling iron deficiency anaemia through primary health care : a guide for health administrators and programme managers / 1
1000 W65 P928m 1989 Preventing maternal deaths / 1
1000 W65 P928rh 2003 Prevention of recurrent heart attacks and strokes in low- and middle-income populations : evidence based recommendations for policy makers and health professionals / 1
1000 W65 P928sg 2014 Preventing suicide, a global imperative. 1