Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 W65 T651d Towards a healthy district : organizing and managing district health systems based on primary health care / 1
1000 W65 T671eh 1996 Trace elements in human nutrition and health. 1
1000 W65 T673uh 2015 Tracking universal health coverage : first global monitoring report. 1
1000 W65 T674 Traditional birth attendants : a joint WHO/UNFPA/UNICEF statement. 1
1000 W65 T711t 1993 Treatment of tuberculosis : guidelines for national programmes. 1
1000 W65 T731st 2013 Trichiasis surgery for trachoma : update of "Trichiasis surgery for trachoma , the bilamellar tarsal rotation procedure" and "Final assessment of trichiasis surgeons" 1
1000 W65 T753 Tropical disease research : progress ... : programme report of the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) 1
1000 W65 T791 Tuberculosis case-finding and chemotherapy : questions and answers / 1
1000 W65 T791c Tuberculosis control as an integral part of primary health care. 1
1000 W65 T791cta 2nd ed. 2004 Toman's tuberculosis : case detection, treatment, and monitoring : questions and answers / 1
1000 W65 T811at 2006 Tuberculosis and air travel : guidelines for prevention and control. 1
1000 W65 T811at 2008 Tuberculosis and air travel : guidelines for prevention and control.
Tuberculosis and air travel guidelines for prevention and control.
1000 W65 T811ps 2011 Tuberculosis prevalence surveys : a handbook. 1
1000 W65 Un2ut 2014 Understanding and using tuberculosis data / 1
1000 W65 Ur1 Urban air pollution, 1973-1980 / 1
1000 W65 Ur1ap 1992 Urban air pollution in megacities of the world. 1
1000 W65 Ur1c Urbanization and its implications for child health : potential for action. 1
1000 W65 Ur1hc 1993 The urban health crisis : strategies for health for all in the face of rapid urbanization : report of the technical discussions of the forty-fourth World Health Assembly. 1
1000 W65 Us2rs 2007 The use of rapid syphilis tests. 1
1000 W65 V249wv 2011 Valuing water, valuing livelihoods : guidance on social cost-benefit analysis of drinking-water interventions, with special reference to small community water supplies / 1