Call Number (LC) Title Results
1000 W65 W893hs World health statistics / 1
1000 W65 W893m 2000 World mortality in 2000 : life tables for 191 countries / 1
1000 W65 W893mr World malaria report 2
1000 W65 W893ra 2015 World report on ageing and health / 1
1000 W65 W893rk 2004 World report on knowledge for better health : strengthening health systems. 1
1000 W65 W893rt 2004 World report on road traffic injury prevention / 1
1000 W65 W893rv 2002 World report on violence and health / 1
1000 W65 W893rv 2002 Summary World report on violence and health : summary. 1
1000 W65 W893s World health statistics annual = Annuaire de statistiques sanitaires mondiales. 1
1000 W65 W893sn 1994 A world safe from natural disasters : the journey of Latin America and the Caribbean. 1
1000 W65 W951ap 2002 WTO agreements & public health : a joint study by the WHO and the WTO Secretariat. 1
1000 W65 Y38 Yellow-fever vaccinating centres for international travel = Centres de vaccination contre la fiévre jaune pour les voyages internationaux. 1
1000 W66 AAVP Aa87n AAVP news : newsletter of the African AIDS Vaccine Programme. 1
1000 W66 ACHR G288wh 2002 Genomics and world health : report of the Advisory Committee on Health Research. 1
1000 W66 BSCT B623cc 2002 The blood cold chain : guide to the selection and procurement of equipment and accessories. 1
1000 W66 BTS C615ub 2001 The clinical use of blood in medicine, obstetrics, paediatrics, surgery & anaesthesia, trauma & burns. 1
1000 W66 CAHD H192im 2005 Handbook IMCI : integrated management of childhood illness. 1
1000 W66 CAHD Se67cp 2004 Serious childhood problems in countries with limited resources : background book on Management of the child with a serious infection or severe malnutrition. 1
1000 W66 CAHD T221h 2004 TB/HIV : a clinical manual / 1
1000 W66 CHD G511at 2005 WHO global atlas of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. 1